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By Stephanie DeFranco
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I've seen this done by a couple photographers I follow and I loved the concept so much, I wanted to give it a try. So here it goes. 

29 Things I've Learned by 29

1. Your story is not my story.

Everyone has their own journey and just because mine doesn't line up with what society thinks is correct doesn't make it wrong. I live my life how I want and you live your life how you want. 

2. It is ok to say NO. 

Agreeing to do everything people ask of you can be tiring and draining physically and emotionally.

3. Entrepreneurship is HARD.

They don't reach you in school how to run your own business and if I had realized how hard the business side was of my passion, I would've taken a few more classes in college for it.


Yes. It's hard. But I wouldn't trade having control over my life for anything. I love being my own boss and being able to decide what I want to do. Those low days aren't fun, but I look at what i've created and worked my ass off for and I'm proud of it.

5. There will always be leaders and there will always be followers.

"A lotta cats copy the Mona Lisa, but people still line up to see the original." - Miles Davis

6. People can deceive you. 

Especially with all things social media these days. They can be super polite to your face and turn around and talk crap about you to someone else.

7. I could literally survive traveling with just my phone.

It has a camera. It carries my ID and credit card. What more do you really need?

8. I can handle traveling with people and I can handle traveling alone.

This last year I have made a trip with my family, one with just Dallas, and at times, by myself. Once again, all I need is a phone and I'm good to go.

9. Expanding creativity.

The best art is when I am giving myself creative freedom. Whether it's a different medium or different lens, my best work comes from freedom.

10. 70% of the photos I take disappear into a black hole.

Ya'll. I have so many unedited photos just chilling on my hard drives that will never see the light of day.

11. I love writing.

I have always had a passion for English and writing, but it wasn't until recently working with Lensbaby that it really has become a passion. This company has always forced me to "see in a new way" and when I actually plan a session around a specific lens or idea and create a story to go with it does my happiness truly shine.

12. To quote Suzanne from Orange is the New Black... "Female friendships are hard."

Making new friends in general when you get older is hard. Who else agrees?

13.  Giving myself time away from work is essential.

Rule I started a couple years ago and has really helped separate my personal life from business, I stop checking emails after 6 pm on weekdays and hardly check them on the weekends. Just like any other 9-5 job, we all need a break to focus on family and friends.

14. Friends come and go.

And that's ok. Everyone has their time in your life and if we're lucky, they stay. But sometimes, people outgrow each other and move on.

15. Sleep is a necessity!

I love my old lady bedtime! And don't wake me if i'm not ready.

16. I still feel like i'm too young for children.

Yes. I'm almost 30, and it's still weird to me that people my age already have 3 or 4 kids. Kudos to ya'll.

17. Follow your heart.

I took the leap this year to go full time with my photography and freelance work. I don't think I could ever go back to a 9-5 I didn't love for the rest of my life. Maybe temp jobs, but not as a career.

18. I don't consider myself a feminist, but there are times.

I don't want to get into this right now, but man-splaining. That shit needs to stop.

19. Listen to people, but also be aware.

People talk. Some have meaningful things to say and help move the world along. Others, they just like to hear themselves talk.

20. I'm not as young as I once was.

I think we can all agree that knees are starting to pop, hips are cracking, a few pounds here and there.

21. Long distance relationships are not for the faint of heart.

Trust and communication HAVE TO BE at the heart of this. Without these two things, and Facetime of course, long distance could damage any relationship.

22. It is ok to take a break to refuel.

My camera is my third eye, but there are times when my creativity lacks. Every creative person goes through slumps and when this happens, I have learned to step away from producing and try something new to fuel that lack of inspiration.

23. Unfriending people on social media and in real life is the breath of fresh air you need sometimes.

We all have toxic people in our lives and while it might take an event or post to finally realize it's time to move on, that's what the delete button on a computer or cell phone are for.

24. Just because something is online or published doesn't mean that it's the truth or whole story.

There is always two sides. Listen to both, or research the facts before believing one thing or another.

25. To quote Sir Ken Robinson, "Whatever you work up worrying about, get over it. Make your peace and move on."

Something that was said to me in college has stuck with me, will whatever is bothering you now matter in 5 years?

26. There will be no better TV series then Castle.

Fight me on this. I dare you.

27. Nikon vs. Canon

Nikon. Fight me on this. I DARE YOU!

28. I still hate bananas, but i can now stand to eat eggs for breakfast.

It's weird, but still a discovery.

29. Work hard and stay humble.

You do you boo. Achieve those goals and make new ones. Find people who inspire you and grow into a better person.

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1 Comment
Katrin - Wow Stephanie, you are eeally wise! I don‘t think I knew and learned that much about life when I was your age. And just now (being 50) realize some points you made: friends come AND go, saying No does not mean I am antisocial ... You are an impressive woman, I love to follow your way and wish you all the best! I am happy to be inspired by you, although being nearly twice your age! Love Katrin
