Lensbaby Double Glass II
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By Stephanie DeFranco
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“To the stars who listen— and the dreams that are answered.”

It's been awhile since I've done a blog about a Lensbaby lens
but I'm back with a new product and I'm super excited to have been part of the beta-testing group!

My very first Lensbaby I purchase in 2011 was a pack that included the original Double Glass Optic and 12 years later we're getting an upgrade version!
I'm going to be honest with ya'll, I loved the effect I was seeing from the seasoned Lensbaby photographers, but when I took it out, I didn't immediately fall in love with this effect trying it on my own. There was a bit of a learning curve, but after a lot of patience and practice, I finally managed to get the hang of the original Double Glass.
All this to say, 12 years later, I'm so excited to have the upgrade version that includes the built in aperture and the option to add in the Creative Bokeh discs. I truly believe that this version of the original Double Glass optic is much easier to use and handle and I have fallen in love with the Double Glass II sweet spot effect all over again.
Let's get into some of the details of the Double Glass II optic.
  • The DGII produces is a sweet spot effect. This means the there is a spot of focus radiating from the focus point. Depending on the way the Composer Pro is tilted will give you the location of the effect.

  • You will see the most blur when shooting at F2.5. Upon leaving the aperture as wide as it goes allows for the most blur from this optic.

  • You have the option to drop in the Creative Bokeh discs for added texture. The bokeh textures show more with the lightest optics in the background, for example a fairy light or the space between leaves if shooting outside.
My personal favorite way of working with the Double Glass II is using fairy lights in front of my subject to capture the bokeh cutout as shown in the following images. I had my model hold a bundle of fairy lights while I held the strand toward my camera. This threw the lights out of focus but captured the shape of the cutout in the optic.

As a Lensbaby Ambassador, I get to share a small discount code with you!
For an extra 10% off your Lensbaby order, enter WDEFRANCO at checkout!

Read the post on Lensbaby.com

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