Pokemon Go
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By Stephanie DeFranco
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So if you haven't heard about the newest trend right now, you must be living under a rock! Pokemon Go is all the rave this week with people having to get out of their houses and walk around searching for Squirtle or Pikachu. Dallas and I both downloaded it the day it came out, because why not? My brother and I collected the cards when we were younger and both had the Gameboy games attached to us for months so it only makes sense that we would play as adults.

Since we started collecting them, Dallas and I have seen more people on the streets and at the parks walking around with their phones out and cars just sitting on the side of the road waiting for the next Pokemon to show up. We went out to the lakes to see what we could find and in doing so, we both got exercise, heard a rattle snake, saw real eggs (that I think look like the ones in the game), and even found a possible new fishing hole. It was an adventure we probably would never have had if it wasn't for this game.

I know it's super cheesy, but my favorite part of this app is the bonding with my honey. Dallas and I went out for a drive and spent all morning just walking around having a good time together. Don't get me wrong, I'm pretty sure he wasn't happy that every time we would find a new Pokemon, mine was higher in points, but still, it was fun and got us out together.

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