Florida State University
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By Stephanie DeFranco
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As most of you have seen by now, Dallas is officially moved to Florida to start his 3 year adventure of getting his MFA in Directing.
It was a long two weeks in getting him there, but we did it.

And now comes the part of having to be in a long distance relationship.

After months of dreading when I would have to say good bye at the airport, that time had finally arrived. I'd been in a long distance relationship once before, and while I don't want to be dramatic, it was terrible. We slowly drifted apart which lead to him finding someone else. So you can imagine how I wasn't look forward to this. I trust Dallas more then I trust anyone, but sometimes people say things that really hurt and don't help the situation, making it harder being states apart. We've already had one person say that he's moving to Florida in hopes of breaking up with me while being away.

Don't be that person to start lies and rumors. It's already hard enough without people rooting for us to fail.

All in all, everything that Dallas has told me so far about FSU Theatre will mean great things for his future. He will be assistant directing the first major musical of the season, Guys & Dolls. He's already made a friend with the other MFA Director, who worked on several major productions in Las Vegas with his most recent being Magic Mike. He'll be teaching one lab class for the acting BFA's as well as the classes he's required for the degree. And with it being such a large campus, there will be so much to do that staying busy will be easy enough. Not to mention the campus is gorgeous! One of the days I was there, we decided to venture out and try to find the gym... How do I put this... We were sooooooo not prepared for the humidity. There are trees EVERYWHERE! Definitely not something we're used to.

I'm pretty excited to see what the next few months holds for Dallas and my next few months are packed with sessions almost everyday.
It will be no time before we see each other again!

(If anyone wants to stay up to date with what's going on, FSU Theatre has an app to download! Go check it out!)


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