In a galaxy far, far, away...
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By Stephanie DeFranco
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CHEWY, WE'RE HOME... - Han Solo

At the end of February 2020, little did I know that would be the last time I would be traveling for a full year to date. And for someone who fills their soul with adventure, 2020 was the absolute worst having to stay home! I needed to get back into the world and the only place I wanted to go back to was Disney. It was kind of a last minute decision, but much needed and definitely worth the double masks and Florida humidity.

I want to start off by saying, every place we went, from the airport and flight to the hotel and each park, nothing ever felt unsafe or unsanitary. People kept their distance from each other, as much as possible, and we later found out that if flights are less then an 90 minutes, they do not provide water or hand wipes, but as we got off the plane, each flight had a cleaning crew of about 15 people ready to disinfect the entire plane.

As for Disney World, I felt safer being there then going into our local Walmart. Coming into each park, you had your temperature screened, and masks were required unless you were eating and you had to be stepped to the side to take off your mask. If a cast member saw you walking around without a mask, or wearing it incorrectly, they politely but sternly told you to put it back on. They were extremely strict on this rule to the point that we saw them almost not let a child over the age of 5 get on the bus into the park because the parents didn't have a mask for her.

Every ride had hand sanitizer before you get on and after you get off to insure cleanliness between riders. Disney also put up plexiglass barriers while waiting to board and sticker dots to tell your party where to stand because lets be honest, nobody actually knows how far 6 feet away is.

Overall, I wouldn't mind if Disney keeps all these new regulations around for awhile as it was nice not to have sweaty Uncle Bob all up in my business while trying to enjoy my time. And although majority of the shows and parades were cancelled to avoid crowds gathering, the magic of Disney was still alive and worth every second spent there.


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