June 1. My life changed when we welcomed our little fur baby into our lives.I had told Dallas all the time that I wanted a little black or calico kitten, but I never actually ever thought I would get one. My friend, Angela, had posted some photos of some barns kittens that she was trying to get rid of to forever homes and there was a little black one. I sent the photo to Dallas just to show him how cute it was. He told me to find out if it was a boy or girl (we both wanted a girl) and I didn't really take him seriously, but I asked anyway and found out that it was a boy. Angela posted another photo in the comments section on a separate photo of a little split face calico kitten. So again, I texted Dallas and turned into a girly girl saying how cute it was. He told me again to ask the gender and this time Angela said that it was a girl, but couldn't seem to catch her. Dallas told me to tell Angela, that we wanted her and that once she caught her, to let us know. She finally coaxed the kitten out with some food and called me up. I told her I wanted to meet her first, (because once you see a baby animal, there's no going back...) and I would decide then. Well of course, I went to meet the little kitten, and I knew she was supposed to be mine. We named her Jasmine after my favorite Disney princess, and little did we know she would hold up to her name. She's such a handful and goofy, but can be a real turd somedays. But between her obsession with rubberbands and milk tops, Dallas and I love her to death.