4th of July with Kendra
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By Stephanie
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I wasn't sure if I should continue to post these images due to the fact that after posting a sneak on my Facebook page, people seemed pretty offended at them. But I figured, what the hell... There are always going to be people who want to start a debate because of diffent opinions and views. Here are my thoughts about this shoot. (And as a disclaimer, we never let the flag touch the ground).

I wanted to portray the love of my country by having my beautiful model, Kendra, pose with a flag. Having her wrap up in it shows the safety of this country. The look she was giving me was so vulnerable and raw that it contrasted nicely with the strength of her hand holding the flag. Being an american, protecting the beauty of this country and holding it in the highest respect is what we should all strive for.

The second half of this blog is the fireworks from the 4th! :D The first couple were shot with my Lensbaby double optic and creative kit. (That's how you see stars!)

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