Blogging 101
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By Stephanie
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I have always been pretty good at writing. My counselor's would look at my test scores and be confused because I was very proficient in writing, but my comprehension wasn't as good. They said in majority of the students it was reverse. Breaking the status quo, this girl. It makes me laugh, thinking back to that, because almost every single blog I post, within a couple hours, my mother is texting me that there is a mistake somewhere in the writing. I want to put it out there, I write my blogs on my phone while waiting for people, sometimes really late at night while laying in bed, or actually at my computer when I get some free time between designing a brochure or eating lunch. Most of the time, I don't proof read the post like I should. The content area doesn't have spell check or auto correct. Yes, I write and I have mistakes, but people come to look at the photos. And if you've read all the way to the end of this paragraph, YOU GET A GOLD STAR! Happy Thursday ya'll!

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