Day 20 of 30
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By Stephanie
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Day 20:  Nicknames

Growing up I never really had any nicknames. Ryan called me "dister" for a long time because he couldn't say "sister" due to a speech problem. :p

These are a few things i've been called through the years.

Jolly Green Giant

Other then that, Steph is the most common nickname.

Funny story with the name "Steph", though, when i was in first grade, name teacher decided to call me by that one day. I had never been called "Steph" before in my life and my mom had always told me that my name was Stephanie, nothing else. So I got in my teachers face and told her, "My name is Stephanie! Not Steph!" Oooooo she never called me that again. Up until I started playing soccer I was Stephanie, but soon realized that being out on the field that it was kinda a long name to yell. So from then on, I was Steph or one of the names above. :)

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