Eye and Maggie
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By Stephanie
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Sooooo my week has been quite interesting to say the least.. If ya'll have me as a friend on Facebook, you've seen the posts about my eye.

So here's the back story... On Tuesday my eye started to really ache when I went into the sun. Well this is New Mexico so you know... the sun and wind can really get to the eyes.. So the next day a white dot appeared on my pupil not thinking about, I just ignored it. Third day it was still there, so my mom called me in an appointment and thankfully we didn't have to wait til Monday because it was an ulcer on my eye. My doctor told me that if we would've waited any longer, the bacteria would've eaten it's way through my eye and caused it to pop. Can you say EWWWW?!!? Right now i'm just dosing up on eyedrops and praying for the best on Monday. :)

So back to what ya'll are really here for... The amazing and gorgeous Maggie!! :D

Thanks for stopping by and have a great weekend!! :D

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