Trends for Portraits
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By Stephanie
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What is the most common question people ask me... What do I wear??

The most important thing to remember when picking out your outfits is to BE YOU. I want your personality to show in your shots!

What I normally tell my seniors to bring is their 4-5 favorite outfits because that’s what they’re most comfortable in and they feel great showing off.

For the ladies:
1. Something dressy! A summer dress looks great on green backgrounds and sun shots.
2. Something casual! I want to see how you dress on a daily basis. I want to see YOU!
3. Something edgy! I know you have that rocking outfit that comes to mind when I say fun!
4. Heels! Speaking for someone that hardly ever wears heels, they look great in photos! Heels make you look taller and who doesn’t love feeling more girly in a pair! ;)

For the guys:
1. Button down/polo shirts and jeans are always a hit!
2. Something casual! Like the ladies, I want to see YOU!
3. Try to steer clear of graphic tees. They will upstage you in your shot and we don’t want that now, do we? ;)

In general:
1. If you’re involved in anything, (football, band, rodeo, etc..) bring something that shows that. A jersey, instrument, cowboy hat, those all work great for props.
2. Layers are great! They add depth to the photos. A jacket over a plaid shirt for dudes, or a frilly, flowy skirt for the ladies will make for an interesting shot.
3. Hair: Do it however but don’t cut it right before session. Do it a couple weeks in advance so you can grow into it.
4. Nails: They will be in shots so make sure they’re clean and cut.
5. Accessories: Sweaters, jackets, hats, necklaces, etc… It’ll give you an edge and attitude.
6. Makeup: Lip gloss!! Always good to have an extra touch of pop. When doing ur makeup, making it a little bit heavier will show up better on camera, but don’t overdo it. We don’t want any oompa loompas now do we. :)
7. Brows and facial hair: Remove any unwanted hair please.
8. Blemishes: no worries! I zap those in Photoshop!


I hope this helps with any questions about style! I want your session fun and easy so having to worry about clothes should now be the last thing on the list! 

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