Day 7: Favorite movies
Ok. So. I'm just gonna come out and say it. I LOVE MOVIES!! Except the ones where the idiots go towards the creepy sound in the closet... Like seriously?! You know you're going to become possessed or lose a limb. Just dumbbb....
Here's a list of my favorite movies (in no particular order) and why I love them.
1. Killers. Katherine Heigal had one line that made me laugh so hard I didn't even see like 10 minutes of the movie. I was trying to hide my laughter and tears and everything else that comes with being in a theater trying not to disrupt the people next to me.
2. The Harry Potter Series. I read all the books. I loved them all. I saw all the movies. I loved them all. The End.
3. Aladdin. By far, my FAVORITE Disney movie. I could watch it over and over again and still not get bored.
4. Tangled. It's a close 2nd behind Aladdin. Best quote of the movie.. "Frying pans.. Who knew!?"
5. The Twilight Series. Before you get all "OMG! They were so bad!..." Let me state my case. Yes. the first two movies were ehhh.... But the last three were pretty good. I've watched all the behind the scenes for them, and there is SOOO much that goes into making these films that it makes me appreciate them even more. Not to mention all the eye candy.... *cough* Taylor Lautner*
6. The first three Pirates of the Caribean. 5 words. Johnny Depp & Orlando Bloom. MHMMMMMM!!
7. The Ugly Truth. Although it's pretty vulgar, Katherine Heigal and Gerard Butler are so funny together!
8. The Hunger Games. I love how well they translated the book into a movie. There were only a few things left out and when I writer can get that much into a 2 hour movie, it deserves a gold star.
9. Hercules. It's Disney.. Need I say more?!
10. Pitch Perfect. "Lesbia-honest" HAHAHHA!! Rebel Wilson = GENIUS!!