Tween Program
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By Stephanie DeFranco
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My main focus is high school seniors but many times at a senior session I hear the younger siblings say parents don’t have any photos of them hanging on their walls. As a parent or grandparent, stop and think about when the last time was that you hired a professional photographer to document your child’s growth. Raise your hand if it was around the age of 2-5 years old? My point exactly.

The tween years are a time of exploration. Kids are figuring out who they are as individuals, as well as what they like (and don’t). They are trying new activities, exploring different parts of their personalities, making new friends, and developing their own styles. And the exciting thing is that they are constantly changing and evolving.

As my job is documenting important times in life, I found myself thinking about how I could expand my business and Tween Years is what I kept coming back too. What I’m considering to be “tween” is from the age of 8 - 16 years old.

• From 8 - 10 is the first milestone that you really start to see their personalities shine. This is also the first double digitals that your child will hit.
• Age 11-13 is the “teen years” that shows the true “in between” stage that connects childhood and independence.
• And from the age of 14-16 is where society views them as their “coming of age” years. This is the time of transition and growing into maturity and will give them the freedom to be themselves.

So how do these sessions work?
The sessions are broken down into two 15 minute shoots. The first half is all about “who I am”. What this will be is an outfit that embodies who your child is today. The focus is primarily on personality and style. You can let your child pick it out or you can decide. That’s totally up to ya’ll.

The second look is “what I love”. This outfit will be geared toward what your child is involved in at this time in their life. Soccer, dance, theatre, video games, etc... I send you a “get to know you” questionnaire that will help me get to know your child a little bit before the shoot as well as figuring out a location.

How is this different then your senior sessions with pricing & products?
With my senior sessions, I provide several different products ranging from prints to graduation announcements to metal prints because I have found that this way of ordering works best for that demograph. With these smaller sessions, i want to make it super easy and charge one flat rate. If you would like extra swag such as a metal print, that is totally up to you.

I know this a ton of information all at once, but I’m super excited about this program! I want to build it so with every milestone your child comes to, we can document them. From their Minnie Mouse theme 8th birthday party to their Sweet Sixteen, I want to make sure you will have these memories cherished for years to come.

If you're interested in booking a tween session, please click below and shoot me an email and I'll get back to you with more details!

Leave a comment:
Stephanie DeFranco - That's awesome!! I would love to work with her! I'm sending you an email now with more info.
Amanda Aragon - Hello,
This is a great idea but my only problem is my daughter is an only child!!! She is 10 yrs old and loves to take pictures!! She is always saying she wants to be famous and be on TV. I would love to know the flat rate for maybe a model session with you!!! She has taken photographs with 2 photographers in Dallas and I would love to find someone local to take pictures of her. I tell her every day she is beautiful and you will see she has so much character and maybe one day she will be in the big screen. Please email me all the details on this Tween sessions.
