Being in the creative field, staying inspired is one of the hardest things to do. I am constantly having to come up with new work whether it’s through my photography or my graphic design job. Things tend to start looking the same after doing them over and over. Jasmine Star writes on her blog all the time about ways to get inspired and one of the ways she finds new ways to create is by reading 25 minutes every day. Every morning, I check to see if my favorite photographers have posted any new blogs and while that really isn’t “reading a book”, I do find it fulfilling in my creative mind. I love seeing posts of different shoots or personal stories to share. So I had this idea to try to create a blog every friday for “Flashback Friday”. Each week I will post a photo or two of something I have already created and tell a story that goes with it. I have so many photos that never get blogged because I just don’t seem to have time or honestly, I just forget to do it. Soooo... maybe having this Flashback Friday posts, I can do more of that!
The first blog for this series is a couple photos from one of the very first photography classes I took in high school. We were working in the darkroom at Goddard with film cameras, stop bath, enlargers, you name it. I’d like to say that was when I fell in love with my craft. The many hours in the dark with just my film and some music playing. The calmness and unknown of seeing your photos come to life is one of those feelings that never leaves. Not mention the smell of fixer and stop bath on your hands for hours after. :) After I got my first digital camera, that was it. I was hooked. I had found the passion that I wanted in my life and almost 10 years later, I am still doing what I love most.