I don’t know what it is about the beginning of the year up until about June/July, but my blog starts to gather dust. Maybe it’s because it’s slow season or i’m just lazy.. probably the second reason. haha
Anyways. Just an update on what’s been going on with the life of Stephanie.
1. I finished my Disney challenge. I have been trying to get a couple extra photos edited to post the second half of the month blog so that will blog will be coming up soon.
2. May has been just as busy as April if not more. I find myself laying down in bed and not lasting more then 5 minutes before i’m dead to the world. I’ve had at least 2 shoots a week and doing some personal work with my Fujifilm & Lensbaby on the side. Check those out below!
3. I’ve also been doing a bunch of landscape photos recently. When a storm rolls in, I don’t want to just sit on my couch and let it go by. I’m grabbing my camera and heading out to capture the beauty of nature. Sometimes pushing my boundaries a little too much and getting to close to the lightening coming out of the sky, but it’s all for that one shot, right? Rob and I even headed out to Bottomless Lakes at like 9:30 pm to shoot the stars and almost got eaten by something in a bush!! Ok maybe that was a little dramatic, but there was something breathing that made Rob jump about 5 ft in the air as we ran back to the car. Not gonna lie, it was funny and stupid at the same time. :D
4. As you all know from my Facebook, my grandpa was taken to the hospital almost 2 weeks ago now. I have received many emails and texts with encouragement and sending love and prayers to him. So many thanks to everyone. For those of you wondering what has been going on, here is the low down. My grandpa has been having trouble swallowing anything so two weeks ago he was so weak that he couldn’t do anything. My grandma had him admitted into the hospital and come to find out, he had pneumonia. So the hospital started him on antibiotics and kept him over night to regulate everything and keep an eye on him. Well a couple nights later, they checked everything and found out he had a mini heart attack due to the fact he wasn’t producing blood because of his malnutrition. So they started him on a couple bags of blood to get that regulated again as well. He was still having trouble swallowing a couple days after that so a decision had to be made on what to do. Either let him out of the hospital to wither away from not being able to get food or go into surgery to get a feeding tube put it. With all that being said, he went into surgery to get the feeding tube and is now currently home getting better. Dementia has really set in and half the time he doesn’t know what’s going on and just wants my grandma by his side. He knows that she’s there and will always be there to hold his hand and reassure him that everything will be ok. Once again, many thanks to those who have been keeping him and my family in your thoughts and prayers.