It's only the second week of November and I feel like this month is already flying by. I've been incredibly swamped with seniors and families and while I love my job so much, it's a lot of work. From the first meeting to seeing their eyes light up upon seeing the photos to running the business side and making sure I factor in all the taxes to cover my butt with the law. Sleep is only a small portion of my life. And I'll say it time and time again. I wouldn't trade it for anything. As for the other half of me, Dallas has been super focused on his two jobs as well. If he isn't at the campus, he's being an awesome framer at Hobby Lobby. And if he isn't at one of those two places, he's busy getting the next two shows going. The Last 5 Years opens on Friday. While this show is one of the smaller casts, the work that has gone into it has been far from small. His idea has been to bring a third element to the stage that has required extra hands, but watching it from behind a spotlight has been an experience. We have been bouncing ideas for the next show and I CAN NOT WAIT for it to take place. The imagination on this guy makes everything sound like the audience will feel as though they really are under the sea.
So back to this month, November and December are packed as they always are with art shows and theater openings as well as continuous photo shoots and running a business. Who's ready for a vacation?! I know I'm ready to be spending my time in the happiest place on earth!