Before you continue with this blog, I must warn you... You might just have a CUTE OVERLOAD!! Zach is soooo adorable! Everything from his smile, to his teddy bear Jake, to his "grumpy cat" look! Amanda is such a fantasic mother, I can't wait to see the man he grows up to be! :D I give you... Zack and Amanda!!

He was such a natural in front of the camera! :D I mean... look at that smile!

By request, Zack's teddy bear, Jake, had to be in a few of the images. Where did the name Jake come from you might ask?? After Zach had been born, Amanda had to wait a few days for him to be released. A little boy was walking around the hosiptal handing out teddy bears and he gave one to Amanda. She asked him what his name was and he told her Jake. It just kind of stuck. :)

Isn't Amanda rocking it! :D Get it girl!!

I looooveee the image on the left. I don't know what it is, it just touches my heart!

This series of images was soooo funny! I told Zach to give me a sweet smile and while I was snapping, he made the face in the middle, then busted up laughing! He told us afterwards that some guy drove by and was looking at him funny, so he decided to look at him funny too. HAHA! Classic! :D

While we were waiting for Amanda to change, I had him do his face again. We'll call this his "grumpy cat" face!

Had to get grandma in a shot! :D

Happy Sunday!! :D