As I sit here waiting for my computer to print a 30 page document at work, I'm thinking 2013 was a pretty good year. Between 3 major trips to Vegas, California, and Cape Cod to juggling two jobs, it's been a busy one! I'm trying to limit what I include in this blog because we'd been here all day if I didn't. :p
So where to start..

I think one of the greatest things to happen this year was I was able to purchase my Nikon D800! I had been shooting with the D90 and don't get me wrong, it was a great camera, but for printing larger images I needed something a little more heavy duty. I absolutely LOVE this camera and wouldn't trade it for anything.

The first major trip I took this year was Las Vegas. My mom and I have gone to WPPI (a photography convention) for the past several years. It's such a dirty/beautiful city at night.

And while I'm not much of a gambler or drinker, Vegas has many hidden gems. One of the tourist-y places I've always wanted to go was the Neon Grave yard. It houses all of the old neon signs from the Strip and Freemont. Bucketlist. CHECK!

Right after I got back from Vegas, I was infected with an ulcer in my eye. KIDS!! CHANGE YOUR CONTACTS!!! I was out for almost a week and a half wearing an eye patch and putting eye drops in that I could taste. Thank God for Whoppers to soak up the nasty taste!

Another highlight of the year was the Balloon Fest. Southwest Printers always sponsors a balloon and they lets us ride in it. I didn't get to do it this year but fingers crossed for the next. :)

Along with the Balloon Fest is the Party on the River. The city usually bring an artist down to perform on Friday night and this year they brought one of my favorite bands! Gloriana KILLED it!! :D

July was a pretty crazy month! I wanted to do a shoot with an American Flag... Little did I know it would cause such a stir with people on Facebook. Nonetheless, Kendra did an amazing job as a model being able to portray the vulnerability of America.

The middle of the month finally rolled around and to California we went! :D Maddie graduated high school. We spent two days in Disneyland. Ryan had his 21st birthday. It was just a great time! I love that place!

It was really hard to come back to work after being in California for almost a week and half... But I knew with coming home my favorite shoots were about to begin... SENIORS!! :D I love working with my seniors. Getting to know them and watching them react in front of the camera and seeing how they look in the viewing. I love it all! :D Here are a few of my favorite shots from this year.

One of my favorite quotes is from Dr. Suess. It says, "We’re all a little weird. And life is weird. And when we find someone whose weirdness is compatible with ours, we join up with them and fall into mutually satisfying weirdness—and call it love—true love." My grandparents celebrated their 60th anniversary this year and even 60 years later, their love is one of the strongest I've ever seen. :)

Later that month, I was looking at Instagram and just happened to come across a photo posted about one of my favorite bands playing in El Paso. It was literally 3 days until the show. It wasn't listed on their site because it just kinda happened and was only going to be a small acoustic set, but I wasn't going to miss it! I texted Jaime and asked if he had to work that day and he said he did... I told him who was playing and he said that he'd find a way to get off so we could go. Parachute was amazing in the hour they played and I even won a Pandora bracelet! haha Bucketlist. CHECK!

The next big trip I took was kinda last minute. I wasn't sure if I would still be around in September, but since I was, I decided to go on a bus trip with the Senior Circle to Cape Cod. We travelled a total of 4,000 on a bus... Next to the toilet... But I can honestly say it was AWESOME!! :D We met some awesome people, ate so much seafood, and saw the beauitul east coast as the leaves were changing.

A week after that, my neighbor and photographer friend decided to head north to Corona to shoot some night stuff. There were some many old cars to choose from but my favorite had to be my grandpa's first vet mobile. :D I love these shots!! New Mexico is such a gorgeous state.

We jumped in some shots too. ;)

The last concert I went to this year was the one I was most excited for. Jaime bought tickets for me for my birthday to go see Green River Ordinance. *fan girl scream* They were SOOOOO GOOOOOODDDD!!!! :D BUCKETLIST...CHECK!!!!

I think those were all the mojor events of the year.. Just a few random things now..
One of the most rewarding things that has happened this year is that I've learned how to create in Photoshop. I was watching CreativeLive back in May I think when Brooke Shaden was the guest. She demonstrated techniques of shooting yourself with a timer and how to create a story through the images. Up until then I was just shooting pretty faces and don't get me wrong, I LOVE doing that. But being able to grab my camera at 10 o'clock at night, set up my tripod, snap a few images of myself, and finishing with a great shot is such an amazing feeling. I love being able to create art for myself. For those of you who follow my work, i'm sure you've seen most of them. Those of you who haven't... Enjoy. :)

A few even got displayed in a juried art show for the Gallery and one was in the Vision newspaper.

Just some random shots of me in front of the camera. FYI.. It's a wig! ;)

The first "fantasy" image I did to the very last this year.

Something else I learned to do this year was how to shoot lightening... in a dust storm... Welcome to New Mexico right? :p

I also attempted underwater photography. Which I kinda love!! :D

Being a photographer, using the term "shooting" just comes naturally.. I'm going to shoot a family today.. I'm going to shoot a senior today.. Catch my drift?? Well this person seemed a little scared. Note to self: Make sure you have the right number before you text. ;)

For those worried... MARISSA IS STILL ALIVE!! :D
So in conclusion.. 2013 has been a great yet very busy year and I can't wait to see what 2014 holds!