For the past 5 years my mom and I have gone to one of the largest photo conferences in the world held in Las Vegas, NV. After seeing the same lights, time and time again, it's hard to create new photos. This year, I wanted to see the city with new eyes and a new way to show Las Vegas in all it's glamour. The one way I do that with all the new places I travel is with one of my favorite lens systems, Lensbaby. I talk about them all the time and use them on a regular basis, so it's no surprise I wanted to use their lenses on this trip. I actually purchased my first Composer Pro at the WPPI Trade Show back in 2011 and I still love everything about the Lensbaby system. They create a different dimension to images and with a city FULL of lights, I knew I would get some interesting shots.
I have been loving the "miniture" effect that the Lensbaby Edge 80 Optic
creates. This happens to be the focal length I shoot at most anyways, so of course it's my favorite. Lensbaby just released the Lensbaby Composer Pro II with Edge 50 Optic for Nikon F
and when I saw they were going wider with the "slice", I couldn't wait to get my hands on this baby. I asked the people at the booth about an Edge 35 and when they might be releasing that lens, but there hasn't been a determined date, just that people have been asking when they were going to have another wide angle edge lens. Sooo... of course, after testing the Edge 50 out at the trade show this year, I added it to my arsenal of lenses. Like i said previously, Las Vegas is really hard to shoot for me since I've been so many times, but after putting this lens on my camera, I was able to see Sin City in a whole new way.
All of the images below were either shot with the Edge 80 or the Edge 50 hooked to a Composer Pro. If you'd like specifics, please leave a comment and I will be happy to answer!