last weekend was my 25th birthday. quarter of my life... OVER!!
jk. i'm a glass half full kinda person. ask dallas. optimistic all the way.
i'd say my life has been pretty awesome this far and i can't wait for the next 25 years to bring new adventures.
we had a bbq on saturday with my family and friends. then i made dallas and jaime take me dancing.
it was my one request for my day.
then on sunday we went to lake van to water ski. soaked up the vitamin d.
got some very special gifts and i thank everyone for them.
many wishes on facebook. thanks ya'll!
but onto what this blog post is about.
my birthday with dan + shay, the band perry, and blake shelton.
several months ago, jaime and i came across dan + shay's band page
& saw they were going to be in albuquerque. i told him they were on
my bucketlist to see.
fast forward to august.
even though they were the opening band, i was totally excited.
he ended up not being able to go because being a cop... duty calls apparently.
so he asked dallas several weeks before if he would take me and use jaime's ticket.
we had such an amazing time! the bands were incredible.
so much thanks to my bestie!!

got lunch and my entertainment for the 3 hour drive.

jamming with the semi's

always hitting rain when we travel.

the view from our hotel. :D

gotta pick the right outfit! it was too chilly for the dress.

before & after


traffic & more traffic.

SO. MANY. PEOPLE!! the security guard told us it was a sold out show.

mmmm.... dan + shay!!

the band perry. AH-MAZING

and blake shelton!

he kept saying that he couldn't believe how many people were there.
like albuqurque wouldn't provide that many people.

he had everyone pull their phones out and make the ampitheater twinkely

after the concert, i bought a dan + shay shirt and was one of the first 150 people to but their merch.


more traffic...
advice: don't try to travel the back roads in the dark using apple maps. we drove in a circle trying to get onto I-25 for about 20 minutes looking for the stupid exit.

next morning.
same thing happened with google maps... and it wasn't even dark.
hungry me = not a pleasant passenger trying to work the gps.
dallas finally pulled over and fixed the damn thing.

finally... FOOOOOODDDD!!

he was like a little kid at this place.
taking pictures of food. the millennials form of art.

probably my favorite photo dallas has taken.

heading home, the flowers were beauitul.
i made him pull over so i could snap a few shots.

and of course... more rain.

it was such an amazing trip put together by two amazing people.
thank you to jaime for the tickets and thank you to dallas for going with me.
i love you both!