This will be the first of several blogs of my vacation, so BRACE YOURSELF!! :D This trip had been planned for at least a year since my cousin, Maddie, was a top dog SENIOR!! :D I can't believe how time has flown. I still remember sleeping together on the floor at my grandparents house, and the years that she worried that Santa wouldn't be able to find her at grandma and grandpas house since she wasn't at home in Cali! Maddie is pretty much my sister and I can't wait to see the great things she will bring to the world.
So cue the drumroll... Let the images and the story of my vacation BEGIN!!
My uncle, mom, and I got to the graduation ceremony 2 hours early to save seats.

All the seats!

I love the awkward wave! :D

Grandma is soooo short!

Cousins are the best!

Of course I have to feature the boyfriend!! Michael is the sweetest guy and I'm glad these two found each other.

Grayson and Maddie = Besties!!

Isn't she such a beauty!! Awwwww! I love her!!

This was hilarious! Maddie wanted a pic with her guy friends. They assembled and Sam (guy on the left) said, "We've got this down! White, asain, white, asain!" HAHA!!

Michael is so gangsta!!

Althought the pic on the right is a little blurry, it melts my heart!

The whole family! Aren't we so adorable?!

Teaching Grandpa how to do a selfie!

Photobooth shots!!

After a beautiful lunch, we headed back to the apartment for a celebration! The decorations looked like something straight off of Pinterest!

They're such a bunch of nuts but I still love them. :D

I mean, it doesn't get any better then this!!

The girls... and the guys!!

Michael got Maddie so good!! hahah!!

Charlies angels!!

Keep out for the next post of the vacation! There's many more to come!