Day 5: Your siblings aka my brother
Where to start.. My brother is my best friend. I mean how could you not love this face. :D (Sorry Ryan! I couldn't resist posting these!)

Ryan and I have always gotten along and never fought like normal siblings. (For the most part!) :p

We understand each other and with just a look across the room, we know what each other is thinking. It's actually kinda crazy and funny. Even as I write this, I'm laughing at different times where something happens and I see Ryan look at me with those "I didn't do it" eyes. haha!

And don't even get me started on how well we quote the Big Bang Theory. I'm pretty sure if I quoted one scene from any of the 6 seasons, Ryan would know exactly which one it was!
I'll finish by saying this, I love my brother more then anything and wouldn't trade him for the world! :D