Day 6: A picture of something that makes you happy
A picture is worth a thousand words, and if done well enough, can make you feel something that can't be done with any other form of art. There are so many photos I see that I can just imagine what it would be like to actually feel the breeze from the mountains or smelling the flowers from a valley. A picture makes history freeze and a location stay the way it was in that exact moment you saw it. The twin towers for example. We will never see them again except through photos. That part of history is frozen forever. What am I getting at? This world is always changing and no matter where we are, it should be documented.
I love travelling. Being apart of the different worlds for just a day or two is such a breath of fresh air. Whether it's in the mountains of Alaska or the busy streets of New Orleans, there's always something to learn about, and that's what makes me happy. So here are a few of my favorite places i've been. :)