Day 9: A picture of your friends
"Good friends are like stars. You don't always see them, but you know they are always there." I love this quote so much. My friends mean so much too me.
The first lady i'm gonna feature is Christine. We have pretty much been sisters since birth. We were both supposed to be born on Labor Day but she came waaaayyy early and left me in the dust. :p From soccer to camp to choir, we've done it all together. I mean, we even looked alike (except she had red hair and I had blonde) for a few years due to the terrible short haircuts and huge coke bottle glasses. I love her and miss her!!

The next person I wanna talk about is Marcelo. We technically met on the soccer field in like 7th or 8th grade but didn't officially meet until freshman year of high school. We both played clarinet together and just clicked. Everyone thought we were dating because we were ALWAYS together. We even got in trouble once on a band trip because the parents chaperoning thought something was going on... Good times!! :D

Jaime is next. I met this kid my senior year of high school. We both still remember the day too. My brother, Ryan, played soccer and ran cross-country with Jaime. So one day poor little Jaime needed a ride to practice so Ryan told him I would give him a ride and ever since we've been friends. We went to ENMU together and sophmore year he decided to join the Marines. We wrote and Skyped and now that he's back in Roswell with me, we're closer then ever! (Possibly even house mates soon!!) :D

Last person i'm gonna write about is the lovely Xanthia! :D Although we've only been hanging out for the past two years, I consider her one of my best friends. I mean, she makes work bearable with a bunch of smelly dudes. :p jk guys!! <3 My favorite part of the day is our 30 min funny photo shares in the morning. Every morning, Xan, Leland, and I open a group chat and spend about 30-45 minutes sending funny links back and forth. It makes the morning much more exciting then just scrolling through Facebook. :D

So to top this blog off, I love these guys to death and would do anything for them!