So hopefully this is the final update on my eye. (Everyone take a deep breath with me!!) PHEWW!!
After a week of doctor's appointments, the ulcer in my eye has finally closed itself. Can I get a HALLELUJAH!!!
It's pretty scary to think what could've happened if we hadn't have caught it in time. It's really hard to not think about it... I wanted to know what was going on with my eye, but at the same time, I didn't. I fought back doing research so my mind didn't get the best of me. But now that it's healed up, I researched what could've happened, and let me tell you. It ain't pretty.
WebMD: "A corneal ulcer is a true emergency. Without treatment, the ulcer can spread to the rest of your eyeball, and you can become partially or completely blind in a very short period of time."
Can you say yikes?! My doctor told me once it eats through your eye, the only thing left behind that is your brain.. Ya. No thanks!
Like I said before, It's hard to not think about what could've happened and how it would've affected my life. We take so much stuff for granted these days. You never know how much you use something until it's gone. Thankfully, I didn't lose my vision but I will always have the scar to show for the carelessness.
Lesson learned! So ladies and gents... CHANGE YOUR CONTACTS!!!

What's to come in the next few blogs:
NEW PROMO VIDEO!!! :D It's friggin' awesome!!
Thriftshop Shoot! The clothes are ridiculous but we had soooo much fun doing it!!
Stay tuned ya'll!