Tomorrow I will be heading up to Albuquerque for another juried art show opening for the photographer’s gallery. I’m so excited because this will be the first show I’ll have art displayed that isn’t in Roswell. I’ve competed in art shows for as long as I can remember, but when you start out, everyone gets their art on the wall. It wasn’t until middle school that I really started noticing that this was something I loved doing. I remember one piece my teacher entered in a show and I guess forgot to tell me... I just happened to go to this event, and saw this particular painting had received the best of my school and the best of show. I knew from that point on that I wanted my work to be seen. Looking back at it now, the painting wasn’t very good, but it was the fact that I had created art. I had seen something and put it down on paper for the world to see.

I loved that feeling.
So the next big show I had entered was the Roswell Fine Arts League Juried show. I entered as a student even though I was a junior in college. So technically I could’ve entered under adult but oh well. This was the photo that got in. Still to this day, I think it’s one of the best photos I’ve ever shot. This family of 6 or 7 was just hanging out by the pool on a summer day in St. Thomas enjoying life. So the photographer in me, sat a little ways away from them and snapped. Hoping to get that one shot.

After I picked up this piece from the show, the lady in charge told me that if I had entered in the adult division, this would’ve received the People’ Choice award.
So fast forward to this weekend, I submitted 3 images into the Albuquerque Photographers Juried Show and 2 of those images got in. I can’t wait to see what everyone else produced and got picked to be displayed. Make sure to check back next week for an update on the show. :D

My next goal is to be juried into the Wedding and Portrait Photographers Excellence Print Competition. Fingers crossed for next year! :D