If you missed Day 1 in NYC, make sure to check that out! :D
Before we start on the journey of day 2 and 3 in New York,
I'm warning you this is a long blog.
So sit back and enjoy the warmth of your chair
and imagine us freezing our tail feathers off.

We started off with our crippled selves at the Marvel's Station. Totally got in trouble for videoing. haha!
All the Avengers costumes were there. Dallas LOVED the Ironman suit.

After a little more site seeing, we headed the the 2:00 showing of Once.
It had been raining so when we got into the theater the heat felt sooooo good.
The show was AMAZING! We walked in and the cast was on stage warming up
while the audience could go up and get drinks from the live bar on stage.

After the show, we did a little more wnadering then headed off to dinner. Dallas made reservations at Joe Allens around 7 but we had about 2 hours to burn. Since it was freezing, we decided to take a chance of getting in earlier. So we finally got there with an hour or so to our reservations but they couldn't seat us. Dallas and I decided to just wait at the bar. The lady finally got around to seating us and said the first round of drinks were on them because we waited so patiently. The food was soooo good. But my mind was on something else after we finished eating...


I've always wanted to eat something from the Cake Boss,
so when I saw that there was one of the bakery's on our block...
It. was. DELICIOUS!!

The next morning we set out to check out the MOMA.
And of course we got sidetracked and walked around the city some more.

After about 2 hours of walking around we finally made it to the museum.

Dallas was really nervous about this piece because he got thrown out for getting to close to it in the past.

Nothing makes you feel older then seeing this in a muesum.

After the muesum, we met up with one of my friends from college.
Aric, Dallas , and I headed to TGI Friday's for lunch before Aladdin.

If you didn't watch the video, then you should and see how excited i was about Aladdin.
I was the one thing I was most excited for in New York. :D :D :D


We ventured on to Bryant Park.

The Rockefeller Tree was nothing I've ever seen before. You could smell the pine from blocks away.

This next part I have to give major credit to Dallas for being such an amazing boyfriend.
It was incredibliy cold outside and I really wanted to go to the Top of the Rock to get some shots of the city.
He waited for me to take a bunch of photos and dealt with the cold.
And here are the shots that came from it. :D
I love you baby.

Day 4 coming soon! :) Stay tuned.