the first conference of it's kind and to say I was able to attend is amazing. i learned about lighting for dancers, how to speak to dancers, and what to look for in perfect lines. i met my three dance photography idols, Jordan Matter, SharkCookie, & BalletZaida. and even had Jordan review a few of my photos. he showed me what to look for when composing a shot and to push limits. i connected with people all over the country, photographers & dancers. we spent hours in the desert working with the dancers tirelessly and when we thought the day was over, Sam & I headed out with our parents to one of Phoenix's staples downtown called "Her Secret is Patience".
this conference is definitely one of a kind and there was so much heart put into it. i'm excited to watch it grow and i can't wait for next year!
If any of the dancers want their photos, please email at