Every year, the holiday season comes at the same time. December hits and it becomes a mad house at work, all the stores are like zoos, and people just want to make sure everything is perfect for Christmas. These past two weeks have been such a whirl wind of Christmas cards, family photos, and deadlines that keep moving closer and closer with every ticking hour. It also becomes the time when I'm ready to just sit down with a giant cup of apple cider and do absolutely nothing! I want to put my camera and computer away and spend time with my family and friends.
Dallas and I have been going non-stop for the past two weeks with both of us having two jobs that are super busy this time of year as well as moving two houses into one. I'm writing this as he sleeps because who doesn't need a few extra hours?
I've been doing monthly updates on life and this post has already started out no different. I've attempted to make our house festive with putting some lighted garland around the TV. Dallas hates it because it gets in his way of turning the TV on, but he deals with it because IT"S CHRISTMAS!! :) Ryan is back home from Texas Tech. I asked him yesterday what exactly he's getting his masters in because everyone asks. How I remember it is "Master's in Kinesiology with some long title that I don't remember". He's helping people with their bodies.
So December is rolling along just as fast as all the other months if not faster, but I see the light at the end when we all board a plane and head to the West Coast for some much needed vacation.