so many times we walk into a gallery and think, "seriously. that is art. my 5 year old can do that."
but what when you think about it. that piece could mean so much more then you're giving credit.
i'm a huge fan of walking art muesums. it's a hobby. looking at the different styles and titles. personally my favorite is impressionism. I LOVE DEGAS. think what you want. pure genius.
anyways. i just posted a blog about how one of my prints sold at the RFAL juried show. i didn't have much time to walk around, but in the few minutes i did, one painting caught my eye. i couldn't get it out of my mind the next few days so i had to go back and buy it. i don't know what about it made me love it so much but i knew it was meant to be mine.
"rainy fun" by pat hittle

maybe it's the simplicity. maybe it's the color. i just know that i love it.
but back to the reason for this post. why buy art. simple. we need it in our lives.
think about it. when you look around, artwork is everywhere. you can't go into a room without seeing a photo or print of something.
what would this world be without color. without imagination. without stories to tell.
i'm not saying go out and purchase the next piece you see for $5000 but stop and think about why it was created and what the artist was thinking when they created it.
the emotion and stories behind it. the time and practice that went into learning their craft.
don't just pass by a piece and say, "my 5 year old could do that". stop. think. and enjoy it.

"reflections" by dallas pollei